{"lien_WSTV":"","tax_name":"deprecated","tax_rate":20,"id_manufacturer":"0","id_supplier":"0","id_category_default":"362","id_shop_default":"1","manufacturer_name":false,"supplier_name":false,"name":"Double Split","description":"<strong>The LANGE DOUBLE SPLIT: The new era of chronography has begun<\/strong>\u00a0<div><div><br \/><em>\u201cA. Lange & S\u00f6hne\u201d has just\u00a0 liberated the rattrapante chronograph from its\u00a0<\/em><em>confinement to 60-second lap times by creating the first genuine double rattrapante for\u00a0<\/em><em>the wrist. The new LANGE DOUBLE SPLIT is absolutely peerless, because it not only\u00a0<\/em><em>has one, but two rattrapante hands \u2013 one for the seconds <\/em><em>and<\/em><em> one for the minutes to\u00a0<\/em><em>be stopped. What\u2019s more, both chrono hands and both rattrapante hands are flyback\u00a0<\/em><em>hands.<\/em>\u00a0<\/div><div><br \/> The new era of chronography has begun: \u201cA. Lange & S\u00f6hne\u201d has extended the\u00a0functionality of the \u201cwatch in the watch\u201d by a fascinating dimension. The intricate\u00a0complication of a rattrapante sweep-seconds hand in a chronograph has always been\u00a0an awesome horological accomplishment for short-time measurements. From the very\u00a0beginning, it was admired as a milestone in precision engineering, but alas, it had its\u00a0limits. Unfortunately, the possibility of taking a lap-time reading with the rattrapante\u00a0sweep-seconds hand during an ongoing measurement was restricted to the 60-second\u00a0scale and thus to laps of less than one minute.\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0<\/div><div><br \/><\/div><div>Now, this limitation has been overcome. The \u201cwatch in the watch in the watch\u201d has\u00a0become reality. In the new LANGE DOUBLE SPLIT, the principle of the rattrapante\u00a0sweep-seconds hand has been extended to the jumping minute counter. This means\u00a0that for the first time ever, comparative lap measurements of up to 30 minutes \u2013 in\u00a0Formula 1 races, to name but one example \u2013 are now possible in a classic, purely\u00a0mechanical wristwatch.\u00a0<\/div><div><br \/> Also, the act of measuring a lap time does not have to be at the expense of a loss of\u00a0amplitude when the chrono sweep-seconds hand continues to revolve while the\u00a0rattrapante sweep-seconds hand is stopped. This is prevented by a disengagement\u00a0mechanism developed by \u201cA. Lange & S\u00f6hne\u201d, for which a patent registration has been\u00a0filed.\u00a0<\/div><div><br \/><strong>Once is good, but twice is better<\/strong>\u00a0<\/div><div><br \/> Several years of hard work in the development department of the Lange manufactory\u00a0are behind these complicated technological innovations. The new LANGE DOUBLE\u00a0SPLIT was inspired by the technical refinements once before integrated in a Lange\u00a0double-rattrapante pocket watch that dates back to the late 19th century. This latest\u00a0chef-d\u2019oeuvre also spawned the self-confident maxim of Lange\u2019s engineers: Once is\u00a0good, but twice is better.\u00a0\u00a0<\/div><div><br \/><\/div><div>Buoyed by the success story of the DATOGRAPH that began five years ago, the\u00a0engineers systematically evolved an already ingenious timekeeping instrument to\u00a0create an incomparable masterpiece: A 220-gram power pack of horological artistry in a case with a diameter of 43 millimetres. And they endowed this latest juncture\u00a0in the history of watchmaking with all of the major innovations and complications that\u00a0since then have been devised at the Lange manufactory in Glash\u00fctte. This includes a\u00a0new balance wheel developed in-house by Lange. Designed for a frequency of 21,600\u00a0semi-oscillations per hour, it is equipped with eccentric poising weights instead of\u00a0inertia screws. It is powered by a top-quality balance spring which was also developed\u00a0in-house by Lange and is manufactured on site. It, too, features a technical novelty: It is\u00a0not attached to a hairspring stud but instead is secured by a balance-spring clamp for\u00a0which a patent registration has been filed. This clamp perceptibly simplifies the future\u00a0poising work of the fortunate watchmakers to whom the LANGE DOUBLE SPLIT will\u00a0one day be entrusted for servicing. Detailed innovations of this kind have always been\u00a0typical for Lange in the past and will remain Lange hallmarks in the future.\u00a0\u00a0<\/div><div><br \/><\/div><div>Since it was festively inaugurated in the late autumn of 2003, the manufactory\u2019s new\u00a0Technology and Development Centre has been pursuing the kind of fundamental\u00a0research that Richard Lange, the oldest son of company founder Ferdinand Adolph\u00a0Lange, embarked upon in 1930 with his patent No. 529945 concerning a \u201cmetal alloy\u00a0for balance springs\u201d, an invention that since then has found global acceptance. He\u00a0discovered that the sensitivity of hairsprings to temperature fluctuations could be\u00a0reduced and their flexibility enhanced with the addition of beryllium. Today, Lange is\u00a0one of only a few companies in the world that master the latest-generation processes\u00a0needed to manufacture balance springs, which are used for the new Lange movements.\u00a0<\/div><div><br \/> All these assets are embodied in the LANGE DOUBLE SPLIT, a very special and\u00a0exclusive horological accomplishment. The best way to understand the beauty and\u00a0complexity of such a breathtaking precision mechanical universe is to describe its\u00a0functions:\u00a0<\/div><div><br \/><strong>From the watch ...<\/strong>\u00a0<\/div><div><br \/> With its manually wound calibre L001.1 movement, the LANGE DOUBLE SPLIT is first\u00a0and foremost a watch that indicates the hours and minutes on its two-tiered black solid-silver dial, the seconds on its silvery subsidiary dial on the left-hand side, and the\u00a0power reserve with an indicator beneath the Roman \u201cXII\u201d. The small seconds dial, the\u00a0also silvery 30-minute counter dial of the chronograph on the right-hand side and the\u00a0up and down indicator constitute the corners of an equilateral triangle, a typical\u00a0characteristic of the architecture of Lange dials.\u00a0<\/div><div><br \/>\u00a0<strong>and the watch in the watch ...<\/strong>\u00a0<\/div><div><br \/> The chronograph function: When the owner presses the start\/stop push piece of the\u00a0chronograph, subtly rounded to accent the classic circular case, the LANGE DOUBLE\u00a0SPLIT becomes a \u201cwatch in the watch\u201d. This action sets the slender gold-plated chrono\u00a0sweep-seconds hand in motion. When the same push piece is pressed again, the hand\u00a0stops. When the zero-reset push piece at 4 o\u2019clock is pressed, the sweep-seconds\u00a0hand returns to the 12 o\u2019clock position.\u00a0<\/div><div><br \/> The chrono minute counter: Each time the chrono sweep-seconds hand crosses the\u00a012 o\u2019clock marker \u2013 not before and not afterwards \u2013 the gold chrono minute counter\u00a0advances by one minute marker. Thus, in the \u201cgrey zone\u201d on either side of the zero\u00a0passage of the sweep-seconds hand, there is never any uncertainty as to the accuracy\u00a0of a measurement.\u00a0\u00a0<\/div><div><br \/><\/div><div>The flyback function: While the chronograph mechanism is running, both chronograph\u00a0hands can be instantly reset to zero by pressing the push piece at 4 o\u2019clock. When this\u00a0push piece is released, the chrono sweep-seconds hand restarts immediately. Its\u00a0minute counter will advance by one marker precisely one minute later. This so-called\u00a0flyback device makes it possible to initiate a new measurement without delay. With\u00a0simple chronographs, the same effect requires the actuation of the start\/stop push\u00a0piece to stop the hands the actuation of the zero-reset push piece to return the hands\u00a0to the home position, and the renewed actuation of the start\/stop push piece to start the\u00a0next measurement. The flyback mechanism bundles all of these interventions into one\u00a0actuation. The idea for this mechanism dates back to an epoch in which pilots needed\u00a0to co-ordinate speed, rudder position, and time to fly curves, and fast reactions were\u00a0needed.\u00a0<\/div><div><br \/><strong>... to the watch in the watch in the watch<\/strong>\u00a0<\/div><div><br \/> The rattrapante function: A further hand is located above the chrono sweep-seconds\u00a0hand and over the chrono minute-counter hand. The rattrapante sweep-seconds hand,\u00a0made of rhodiumed steel, hovers over the chrono sweep-seconds hand and the blued\u00a0steel rattrapante minute-counter hand lies a hair\u2019s breadth above the chrono minute-counter hand. During an ongoing time measurement, the rattrapante hands can be\u00a0used for a separate lap time measurement at any given moment. This is how it works:\u00a0When the start\/stop push piece at 2 o\u2019clock is pressed, both pairs of hands are set in\u00a0motion simultaneously. The rattrapante push piece at 10 o\u2019clock is pressed to measure\u00a0the first time. The rattrapante sweep-seconds hand stops instantly, displaying the\u00a0measured lap time. For the second measurement, the start\/stop push piece is pressed\u00a0to stop the still-running chrono sweep-seconds hand. This allows the owner to note the\u00a0second lap time as a separate result or to compare it with the first lap time.\u00a0\u00a0<\/div><div><br \/><\/div><div>If more than two consecutive measurements are to be made after the hands have been\u00a0collectively set in motion, the following procedure must be observed: The first lap time,\u00a0stopped with the rattrapante push piece, must be memorised or written down. The\u00a0renewed actuation of the push piece causes the rattrapante sweep-seconds hand to\u00a0instantaneously catch up with the still-running chrono sweep-seconds hand. This\u00a0process can be repeated as often as desired, as long as the chrono sweep-seconds\u00a0hand is in motion and the aggregate time measurement has thus not been interrupted.\u00a0<\/div><div><br \/> The rattrapante minute counter: The LANGE DOUBLE SPLIT has a chrono minute\u00a0counter as well as a rattrapante minute counter. For this reason, the rattrapante time\u00a0measuring range is not just 60 seconds as in conventional\u00a0 chronographs, but\u00a030 minutes. Technically, this was achieved by duplicating the construction of the\u00a0chrono\/rattrapante wheel pair. In other words, the minute-counter wheel has a through\u00a0bore that accommodates the shaft of the second rattrapante wheel. Since the LANGE\u00a0DOUBLE SPLIT contains a chronograph mechanism with a precisely jumping minute\u00a0counter, the rattrapante minute counter jumps as well. A lever mechanism developed\u00a0by Lange especially for this purpose assures that it advances by only one minute at a\u00a0time, at precisely the right moment.\u00a0<\/div><div><br \/> Reference lap time measurement: If a lap time measured with the rattrapante hands is\u00a0required as a reference time for further measurements, it can simply be \u201cstored\u201d. This is\u00a0done by leaving the stopped rattrapante time untouched and by resetting the chrono\u00a0sweep-seconds hand with the start\/stop push piece followed by the zero-reset push\u00a0piece \u2013 or instantaneously with the zero-reset push piece (flyback). The normal\u00a0chronograph function can now be used to measure a reference lap time and compare it\u00a0with the time displayed by the rattrapante hands. This process, too, can be repeated for\u00a0any number of further reference lap times that might be needed.\u00a0<\/div><div><br \/> Fastest\/slowest lap measurement: Technology buffs will appreciate another function\u00a0that allows the identification of minima and maxima \u2013 the fastest or slowest lap of all\u00a0laps measured, for instance. To determine the fastest lap of a series, the first lap is\u00a0stopped with the pair of rattrapante hands, the second with the pair of chronograph\u00a0hands. At this point, both times need to be compared.\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0<\/div><div><br \/><\/div><div>If the lap time displayed by the chronograph hands is the shorter of the two, this value\u00a0must be stored as the minimum, simply by pressing the rattrapante push piece twice in\u00a0a row. The first actuation causes the rattrapante hands to line up with the chronograph\u00a0hands, the second actuation freezes them there. If the lap time indicated by the\u00a0rattrapante hands is shorter, no action is required. The hands can stay where they are.\u00a0 The next lap can be timed \u2013 and if applicable, stored \u2013 by resetting, restarting, and\u00a0 restopping the chronograph hands.\u00a0<div><br \/><\/div><div>Conversely, to determine the slowest lap, the rattrapante push piece must be pressed\u00a0twice if the time measured by the chronograph hands is greater. In both cases, the\u00a0value displayed by the rattrapante hands at the end of a series of measurements is the\u00a0extreme (maximum or minimum) of all stopped times.\u00a0<\/div><div><br \/> The disengagement mechanism mentioned above, a Lange proprietary development,\u00a0prevents the so far technically unavoidable amplitude drop in conventional\u00a0constructions when the chronograph hands are running but the rattrapante hands are\u00a0stopped. Normally, the sustained contact between the still-running heart-shaped\u00a0rattrapante cams and the rattrapante heart levers creates friction losses and torque\u00a0fluctuations. In the LANGE DOUBLE SPLIT, these annoying phenomena have been\u00a0eliminated because disengagement wheels on the rattrapante centre wheel and on the\u00a0rattrapante minute wheel separate both rattrapante heart levers from the still-rotating\u00a0heart-shaped cams. This has a beneficial influence on the rate accuracy of the\u00a0movement.\u00a0<\/div><div><br \/> This makes the habitual use of the fascinating and very practical rattrapante function a\u00a0delight that entails no regret, all the more as most of the complex mechanisms of this\u00a0mechanical marvel can be admired through the sapphire-crystal caseback. It is hardly\u00a0disputable that the LANGE DOUBLE SPLIT will push the emotions of connoisseurs\u00a0around the world quite far up on the open-ended enthusiasm scale.\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0<\/div><\/div><\/div>","description_short":"","quantity":0,"minimal_quantity":"1","available_now":"","available_later":"","price":98000,"specificPrice":false,"additional_shipping_cost":"0.00","wholesale_price":"0.000000","on_sale":"0","online_only":"0","unity":"","unit_price":0,"unit_price_ratio":"0.000000","ecotax":"0.000000","reference":"404.032","supplier_reference":"","location":"","width":"0.000000","height":"0.000000","depth":"0.000000","weight":"0.000000","ean13":"","upc":"","link_rewrite":"double-split","meta_description":"The LANGE DOUBLE SPLIT: The new era of chronography has begun\u00a0\u201cA. Lange & S\u00f6hne\u201d has just\u00a0 liberated the rattrapante chronograph from its\u00a0confinement to ...","meta_keywords":"","meta_title":"Watch A. 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{"Compl\u00e9ment":"Pink Gold - Crocodile Strap","Statut de vente":"En vente depuis","Date":"2008","Pi\u00e8ce unique":"No","S\u00e9rie limit\u00e9e":"No","Sexe":"Homme","Gaucher":"No","Diam\u00e8tre":"43.20","Epaisseur":"15.30","Types":"Hand-winding","Styles":"High Horology, Sporty, Classical","Calibre_autre":"Lange L001.1","Calibre distinction":"Hand decorated, Hand-engraved","Affichage":"Hands","Complication":"Jumping Minute Counter, Tachymeter, Small Seconds, Minute Counter with Rattrapante, Stop second mechanism, 30-Minute Counter, Flyback Chronograph, Power Reserve Indicator, Chronograph with Double Rattrapante","Mati\u00e8re du bo\u00eetier":"Pink gold","Particularit\u00e9 du boitier":"Sapphire caseback","Particularit\u00e9 du boitier_autre":"1 push-piece for operating the rattrapante, 2 push-pieces for operating the chronograph","Forme":"Round","Cadran":"Solid silver","Couleur du cadran":"Silver","Index":"Baton-type","Verre":"Sapphire","Verre_autre":"hardness 9","Mati\u00e8re du bracelet":"Crocodile leather","Fermeture du bracelet":"Pin buckle","Couleur du bracelet":"Brown","Plus de caract\u00e9ristiques":"World\u2019s first flyback chronograph with double\u00a0rattrapante. controlled by classic column wheels\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0<div><br \/><\/div><div>Cumulative and lap-time measurements between 1\/6th\u00a0of a second and 30 minutes\u00a0\u00a0<\/div><div><br \/><\/div><div>Movement<\/div><div>Crafted. assembled. and decorated almost entirely by\u00a0hand to the highest Lange quality standards<\/div><div>Precision-adjusted in five positions<\/div><div>Plates and bridges made of\u00a0untreated cross-laminated German silver<\/div><div>Balance cock\u00a0engraved by hand\u00a0<\/div><div>Shock-proofed Glucydur balance with eccentric\u00a0poising weights<\/div><div>Proprietary top-quality balance spring\u00a0with an attachment (balance spring clamp) for which a\u00a0patent registration has been filed<\/div><div>Lever escapement<\/div><div>465 parts<\/div><div>40 jewels<\/div><div>4 screwed gold chatons<\/div><div>Frequency:\u00a0<\/div><div>21.600 semi-oscillations per hour Precision beat\u00a0adjuster with whiplash spring<\/div><div>Power reserve: 38 hours\u00a0<\/div><div><br \/><\/div><div>Case <br \/>18-carat pink gold<br \/><\/div><div>Glass and caseback:\u00a0Sapphire crystal (hardness 9)\u00a0\u00a0<\/div><div><br \/><\/div><div>Dial\u00a0<\/div><div>Solid silver. two-tiered\u00a0\u00a0<\/div><div>pink and blued steel hands\u00a0\u00a0<\/div><div><br \/><\/div><div>Hand-stitched crocodile strap\u00a0<\/div><div>Solid-platinum\u00a0Lange prong buckle\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0<\/div>"}
Brand : | A. Lange & Söhne |
Collection : | Double Split |
Model : | Double Split |
Reference : | 404.032 |
Complement : | Pink Gold - Crocodile Strap |
On sale : | 2008 |
Brand : | A. Lange & Söhne |
Collection : | Double Split |
Model : | Double Split |
Reference : | 404.032 |
Complement : | Pink Gold - Crocodile Strap |
On sale : | 2008 |
List Price : | 117 600 € |
Diameter : | 43.20 mm |
Thickness : | 15.30 mm |
Styles : | High Horology Sporty Classical |
Types : | Hand-winding |
Calibre : | Lange L001.1 |
Calibre distinction : | Hand decorated Hand-engraved |
Complication : | Jumping Minute Counter Tachymeter Small Seconds Minute Counter with Rattrapante Stop second mechanism 30-Minute Counter Flyback Chronograph Power Reserve Indicator Chronograph with Double Rattrapante |
Case material : | Pink gold |
Case peculiarity : | Sapphire caseback 1 push-piece for operating the rattrapante 2 push-pieces for operating the chronograph |
Shape : | Round |
Dial : | Solid silver |
Dial color : | Silver |
Display : | Hands |
Indexes : | Baton-type |
Glass : | Sapphire hardness 9 |
Strap material : | Crocodile leather |
Strap color : | Brown |
Strap clasp : | Pin buckle |
+ More characteristics : | World’s first flyback chronograph with double rattrapante. controlled by classic column wheels Cumulative and lap-time measurements between 1/6th of a second and 30 minutes Movement Crafted. assembled. and decorated almost entirely by hand to the highest Lange quality standards Precision-adjusted in five positions Plates and bridges made of untreated cross-laminated German silver Balance cock engraved by hand Shock-proofed Glucydur balance with eccentric poising weights Proprietary top-quality balance spring with an attachment (balance spring clamp) for which a patent registration has been filed Lever escapement 465 parts 40 jewels 4 screwed gold chatons Frequency: 21.600 semi-oscillations per hour Precision beat adjuster with whiplash spring Power reserve: 38 hours Case 18-carat pink gold Glass and caseback: Sapphire crystal (hardness 9) Dial Solid silver. two-tiered pink and blued steel hands Hand-stitched crocodile strap Solid-platinum Lange prong buckle |
Brand : | A. Lange & Söhne |
Collection : | Double Split |
Model : | Double Split |
Reference : | 404.032 |
Complement : | Pink Gold - Crocodile Strap |
On sale : | 2008 |
List Price : | 117 600 € |
Diameter : | 43.20 mm |
Thickness : | 15.30 mm |
Styles : | High Horology Sporty Classical |
Types : | Hand-winding |
Calibre : | Lange L001.1 |
Calibre distinction : | Hand decorated Hand-engraved |
Complication : | Jumping Minute Counter Tachymeter Small Seconds Minute Counter with Rattrapante Stop second mechanism 30-Minute Counter Flyback Chronograph Power Reserve Indicator Chronograph with Double Rattrapante |
Case material : | Pink gold |
Case peculiarity : | Sapphire caseback 1 push-piece for operating the rattrapante 2 push-pieces for operating the chronograph |
Shape : | Round |
Dial : | Solid silver |
Dial color : | Silver |
Display : | Hands |
Indexes : | Baton-type |
Glass : | Sapphire hardness 9 |
Strap material : | Crocodile leather |
Strap color : | Brown |
Strap clasp : | Pin buckle |
More characteristics : | World’s first flyback chronograph with double rattrapante. controlled by classic column wheels Cumulative and lap-time measurements between 1/6th of a second and 30 minutes Movement Crafted. assembled. and decorated almost entirely by hand to the highest Lange quality standards Precision-adjusted in five positions Plates and bridges made of untreated cross-laminated German silver Balance cock engraved by hand Shock-proofed Glucydur balance with eccentric poising weights Proprietary top-quality balance spring with an attachment (balance spring clamp) for which a patent registration has been filed Lever escapement 465 parts 40 jewels 4 screwed gold chatons Frequency: 21.600 semi-oscillations per hour Precision beat adjuster with whiplash spring Power reserve: 38 hours Case 18-carat pink gold Glass and caseback: Sapphire crystal (hardness 9) Dial Solid silver. two-tiered pink and blued steel hands Hand-stitched crocodile strap Solid-platinum Lange prong buckle |